Doğan Öztürk

Doğan Öztürk

Reflections on Technology, Culture, and Life

Testing Google Maps and WebSockets with Cypress

about 1 year

In previous articles, we discussed Trendyol GO’s React-based admin micro-frontend application, highlighting our use of Google Maps and WebSockets for specific functionalities. This article delves into our testing approach for these components using Cypress.

How Do We Test Our Front-End Applications in Trendyol GO? (Part 2)

about 2 years

In our first article, we talked about how we organized the test flow for our micro-frontend application in the Trendyol GO Logistics-Delivery team, how we integrated this practice into our workflow on the way to TDD, and why we chose Cypress for the integration & E2E testing.

Micro Frontends Architecture with Webpack Module Federation (Part 2)

almost 3 years

In our first article where we shared our experience of transitioning to micro-frontends architecture at Trendyol GO, we talked about our decision-making process and our basic design preferences. After the POC, it was time to split the entire project and make improvements in accordance with the Module Federation.

JavaScript Basics: Hoisting

over 4 years

During job interviews with developers on Zingat, one of the problems we often encounter is that the candidate's relationships with the fundamental elements of the language they use could be more connected. Most are interested in current web frameworks (React, Vue, etc.) or JS-based cross-platform development environments (React-Native, Ionic, etc.). Still, they need to be closer to the story of JavaScript, the realities of the language, and the environments in which it works.

Understanding Decorators through Basic Concepts of Express.js

almost 5 years

ES6, or also known as ES2015, became the standard on June 17, 2015. Before that and, of course, since that day, ECMAScript, commonly known as JavaScript, has been trying to meet the growing needs of the Web. Every year, new concepts and structures are added to the core of the language.

Cross-Platform Development: React-Native-Web

about 5 years

When you intend to pursue Cross-Platform Development, this will be the most common and confusing question you will encounter. From the perspective of being a web development-originated software developer, I suggest making your decision entirely based on your needs. For small and medium-sized projects, especially if your applications are not dependent on great animations or the cutting-edge features of the native platform, I can say that a hybrid application will more than suffice; however, if your requirements and the composition of your software development team (for example, having both mobile application and web developers who can work compatibly in an environment) are suitable, turning to native solutions will be healthier.

Web Components

over 5 years

In the web front-end projects that we develop, it is a fact that if no style guide contributes to the development of all departments based on the company and ensures maintenance, every time a new product is added, new buttons, labels, form elements, modals, etc. have to be developed. This situation eventually leads to increased complexity in front-end projects and development and maintenance costs.

Amsterdam JSNation 2019

over 5 years

On June 7th, I had the opportunity to represent the Zingat Software Team at the JSNation conference held in the prestigious city of Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. Amsterdam, one of the most visited cities in Europe by travelers, hosted the conference at a central location in an old church called Zuiderkerk. This venue also attracts attention as the place where Rembrandt created his famous painting, The Night Watch.